Ideally, the number of missing points will be small. In the above example, I tracked 119 fiducials over 59 views, giving a total of 6962 points. Although 129 missing points may seem like a lot, it actually is quite good considering how many total points were needed. A number of this size can be quickly fixed manually.
2. If you are not satisfied with the results, tweak some of the optional parameters (particularly the local area box size) and re-run beadtrack.
(D) Upscale the Binned .fid File Back to Full Resolution
1. The final step is to scale the output tracked and binned fiducial file so it is back in the coordinate system of the original, unbinned .preali file:
Code Block |
$ imodtrans -i basename.preali basename.bin8.fid basename.fid |
2. You can now proceed with fine alignment in etomo!